5 Days of Full Body

5 Days of Full Body

5 Signature Full Body classes:
- Full Body Tone: full body sculpt workout with an emphasis on stretching, toning, and lengthening and no cardio or jumping.
- Full Body HIIT: interval-training workout including cardio intervals, shadowboxing, and more.
- Full Body Flow: yoga-inspired full body classes that focus on leading with your breath and centering your mind & body
- Full Body Strength: using heavier weights, this class is time-based and focuses on full-range, non-repetitive muscle building movements
- Full Body Move: beat-based workout including light cardio, sculpting, and strength training. Think: pilates + yoga + cardio + barre.

Equipment needed: a pair of dumbbells, a pair of light weights, a slider and a mat.

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5 Days of Full Body
  • 36 Minute Full Body Tone

    Grab a pair of light weights, a slider and your mat!

  • 43 Minute Full Body HIIT + Tone

    Grab a pair of light weights and medium weights. Moving from one body group to the next, in each we do a 4x30s cardio set followed by sculpting to the beat.

  • 36 Minute Full Body Flow

    All you need is your mat!

  • 42 Minute Full Body Strength

    Grab a pair of dumbbells. Jess is using 12lbs. We do supersets that are 2x40s with 15s of rest in between!

  • 38 Minute Full Body Move

    Grab a pair of light weights, medium weights and a mat! We start out class with a warm up and plank series, do some standing arms, move on to lower body + upper body combos mixed with glutes, then we finish with abs and a cardio finisher!